• Children and Mobile!

    Children and Mobile!

    Isn’t it a routine conversation now a days..that my child is hardly 2 years but he knows how to search his favorite video on YouTube !! My kid is so smart ! AIas! ! ! And I am forced to think, is that the kid who is smart or the mobile? When we call it

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  • Prevailing Myths and Pediatric Nutrition!

    Prevailing Myths and Pediatric Nutrition!

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  • Childhood Fever!

    Childhood Fever!

    It's a season for fever and here I share my views on childhood fever.Read more
  • National Nutrition Week!

    National Nutrition Week!

    It's national nutrition week and I am pleased to share some useful tips on child nutrition.Read more
  • Teens and Road Accidents!

    Teens and Road Accidents!

    Lots of youngsters loose their life on Road accidents rather than by diseases or in battles. Reasons are many but most obvious are : – high speed biking – rash driving – no use of helmet – peer pressure to show dare – less knowledge about fatal consequences and – over confidence We all can

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  • Teens and Communication!

    Teens and Communication!

    The way people change TV channels , the same way there is a trend of frequent hook ups and break ups amongst teenagers. Independent availability of mobiles, less monitoring by parents, minimum quality family communication, ultra short family size and inability to understand and cope up with the changes within are some of the causes

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  • Burns!


    One of the commonest pediatric emergencies is Burns. Very painful, frightening but very muchpreventable.When your toddlers start to roam around start looking for things which you normally don’t look at.Like tea cup at the edge of table, boiled milk/dal vessel at the edge of platform, did ironing andforgot the iron on floor, plug on and

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  • Serious Illness and Patients!

    Serious Illness and Patients!

    One thing that has come to my mind constantly in the last 20 years of my pediatric practice. Whenever I make a diagnosis of a serious / incurable disease of a child before the parents , I always get 3 questions invariably. Are you sure about the diagnosis? – I understand that he/she does not

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  • Antibiotics Awareness!

    Antibiotics Awareness!

    # Use Antibiotics only when it is needed. It doesn’t work in cold and other viral infection. # Don’t use Antibiotics to treat fever. They are not antipyretics (drugs used for fever like crocin) # Don’t start or stop Antibiotics on your own. It has precise dose and duration. # Don’t treat yourselves with Antibiotics

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  • Women’s Day!

    Women’s Day!

    Wishing all lovely ladies a very happy international women’s day 🌷

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